Interesting conversation this weekend about cola beverages…
I asked for a Coke at a resturant and was served an RC…. My lunchmates were baffled by my displeasure.
Often when ordering a Coke, you’ll be asked, “Is Pepsi okay?” to which I will always reply, “No, it is not,” and come up with some acceptable alternative. Those times that I’m not asked, I feel like the resturant is screwing me.
Dig it this way: If you ask for a turkey sandwich and all they have is chicken, they will tell you. They won’t just bring you a chicken sandwich and pretend everything’s fine.
Perhaps Coke has been generalized enough (a la Xerox, Kleenex, Laundromat, etc.) that saying “Coke” just means “A cola beverage…”
but not to me, dammit.