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A mere 9 days until NaNoWriMo begins. I have the barest idea of an opening line — and God knows that’s where everything comes from, right? Who needs outlines? Who needs character sketches? Who needs, for Christ’s sake, a plot even? But it’s about to begin….about to begin….about to begin….

Do I have the will to write 1500 words a day? I don’t think I even have a concept of what 1500 words means. 5 pages? 10? 12? 15? Haven’t written anything more than 3 paragraphs in several years. This is gonna get interesting folks.

For the next several weeks, the Canon will turn into CHnANOwrimoSN (pronounced “Ziff” — the CH is silent) because you can’t spell CHnANOwrimoSN without CHAOS or CANON. Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

Time to get to it, kiddies. The push for words will battle against two brilliant video games, football season, work and my lovely lady. Who will win? Only time will tell. Punch it!