Another excerpt. I’m so far behind on this thing now that I don’t even wanna post my +/-….well, alright. It’s about 3314
Just caught up with Saturday. Now I have yesterday and today to get through.
Words: 15190
And just so you have a nice example, the following excerpt is 228 words long.
And another thing: I think this excerpt comes from somewhere towards the end of the story…. I’m skipping around in the writing here, so who knows where it will end up really, but….anyway. I’m in dire need of today’s pep talk. WHERE IS IT?
I type too much during the day, the modern equivalent of dots and dashes, of punching holes in heavy card stock, of blowing smoke rings. The advanced methods of communicating with machines are even more obscure and more deeply nuanced than human interaction. Daily, I attempt to fool the computer into doing my bidding and lose the ability to speak with another person.
“Oh, you do just fine with me,” Sheila says.
But she doesn’t count.
“Why not?”
She is too close to me. Too well known. Too much of an old friend.
“I’m touched.”
It’s too much like talking to myself.
“So what’s the problem? Isn’t that what you’re looking for? Isn’t it good to hear a friendly voice? A caring voice?”
But it’s too hard to make connections these days. I’m so separated from people. Most of it’s my own fault. I’ve been sealing myself off in closed rooms for so long now that it’s second nature. That it’s easier to be alone than it is to take a chance on going out. That I look forward to a blizzard to shut me and everyone else down and inside. That I’m addicted to a little peace and quiet. That I’ve —
“You don’t want peace and quiet. You just want me.”
I flip my phone closed, ending the call.
You’ll have to try harder than that.