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Pat ‘n’ Ron 8 august 01

Pat: Well, I’ve got a cup of ice up here, and I’m putting that to my head, and I see Ron is going into that ‘cool foods’ mode — he’s going to eat an orange. Ron, I prefer circular ice cubes to square ice cubes. Do you have a preference?

Ron: No.

Pat: Well, that doesn’t surprise me.

Ron: Well, it doesn’t surprise me that you do…prefer…which was it? The round ones?

Pat: It just seems to me that circular ice cubes allow the liquid to maneuver around a bit better.

Ron: You see this?

Pat: Nice. Ron’s peeling his orange in one long strip.

Ron: See, this was my first move here…I was kinda disappointed. But then I got it.

Pat: Come to think of it, there are also moon shaped ice cubes.

Ron: I think that ice is going to your head.

hot day and great conversation.