It’d take too much for me to type in all the angry thoughts in my head after reading about Bush’s address and whatnot, so let’s go with the funny ones instead:
Bush giving Saddam 48 hours to leave Iraq makes me think of a great spin-off of the television show, “24”
“On March 17th, 2003, George W. Bush gave me and my sons 48 hours to leave our country. My name is Saddam Hussein. This is the longest two days of my life.”
Each episode would center around one hour of Saddam’s preparations to leave. Hour 37 is fantastic — you get to watch him pack. Oh wait:
“Saddam Hussein and son reject Bush’s call to leave Iraq” — Well, of course they did. I’d reject Bush’s call to leave my apartment. But seriously, Saddam and Son is one of my all-time favorite T.V. shows. It’s a freakin’ classic.
24, 48, HIKE!
Kinda remindes me of the time we went to Columbus and got pulled over by those super-stereotypical cops. “We’re going back to Chicago tomorrow.” “You better.”
I still think we should fly G.W. and Saddam to a neutral country and have a celebrity boxing match. Either that or make them compete on “Fear Factor”.
Whoo whoo
Me Saddam, Me make joke! Me make pee pee in your coke!
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