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  • Saw Bill Maher tonight, in Skokie of all places. No idea what I was in for, and not really feeling like a night out, but a good time. Very funny. Claims to be middle of the road, and probably is, but since Bush is such a screwball, much focus goes there. Fun fun.
  • Moving to New Jersey. If I can find a decent apartment there. Sometimes I lose sight of the whole big picture thing and get too obsessed with the details, but I know I need to find a decent place to live or else it’s just going to suck. Of course, I’m worried that I could quickly spiral downward there, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take. It’s the path I’ve chosen to take, and take it I shall. There are pictures of my last trip to Jersey here.
  • Going to Jersey on Friday. Going to Philly on Saturday. I am jet setter extraordinary.
  • Got a nice nice letter from philyboyz27 and the funniest flier ever in the world. I mean, hilarious. If I had a scanner, I’d scanner in the morning….
  • Why is mood always “tired”?
  • Cubs in playoffs. Not liking games facing elimination. Wish to God they’d gotten it done today. To see the madness at Wrigley. Tomorrow is such a risky game to watch — don’t want to see the looks on those faces if they lose, etc. etc. But enough of that talk — Wood vs. Hampton, I’ll take Wood any day. It’s an amazing thing. All this time waiting for them to get into the postseason, I’d forgotten what postseason roller coasters are like. Not since the 2001 Mariners have I ridden one, and that one was from afar… But fuckin’ Yankees…. Yeesh.