javafuckscript errors unpublished blogs need to talks break ins at the office do this by the end of the day it’s all done with magic interrupt me while i’m talking non-specific specifications antsy restlessness lies ridiculous circular conversations crappy music (live)
the advice and analysis of good friends a hunting party excellent episodes of futurama, simpsons, home movies, six feet under a very good book needs to talk new shoes family the realization of making it through another chicago winter the idea of a new project an unexpected breakfast great music (on tape)
which wins? right now it’s the latter. honestly, when i look at them, i can see which outweighs the other quite easily — the good stuff wins out. the good stuff is just much heavier than the bad. it’s just much more…and more important. and so even though the draft-on-my-right-arm is back…..
i’m alright.