698 words. The idea is not as good as I thought….or maybe it is. Funny how up until midnight, I was excited about this whole thing, then as if the clock had ominously struck the new month, I was gripped with fear. How on earth?
With the first word, I thought, “I just have to do this 50,000 more times.” Now I’m 1/71 of the way through. Amazing how quickly the multiplier drops. If I can do this 71 more times, I’ll have written 50,000 of the worst words ever combined in the English language. Maybe I should write it in French. Those guys have never said anything good.
(Hey, a French joke! Those always do well…..)
Wish I could find the energy (and the words) to stay up and get a few million written down….
….oh the fear and loathing and the hatred I will garner when everyone realizes I’m all talk and I’m just Some Hack….