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Tag Archives: swearing

Shit rolls downhill….but that shit just slides right off me.

Nice try, motherfuckers. You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man. That’s right — the ginger-fucking-bread-man. And I’ll say it again. Twice. Some other time. Watch me….

Everything’s back in business — all the music is smacked into the right place. So I’ve got the groovie doovie doo. Way to go! Poog!

jesus — how times change. i have no idea where the fronts are anymore, no idea where anyone is anymore…. or where i am… but at least i’m feeling a bit less maniacal. and i’ve moved up a rung to right hand man — i sit in the presence of god himself now.

that ain’t bad.

good outweigh? sure, why not? i have things to look forward to, anyway. this mystical thing is kinda fucking me up though.

crazy couple of weeks though, that’s for sure.

did i say ‘fuck’ yet? oh yeah, i did. good.