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Tag Archives: vagina monologues

No update here for long while. Can’t afford waste wrds or even letrs here, so make do.

No, just kidding. Word count up to 26k+. Well far behind, but who gives a rat’s tooshie? Two more big milestones to hit. 4k till 30, 14k till 40 and….let’s not think about the last one.

Another tasty excerpt:

“What on Earth are you doing?” my mother asks.

“Oh, we’re boycotting ‘The Vagina Monologues.'” I reply.

“Why are you doing that, Will?” she sighs. Eve Ensler, Oprah Winfrey and Roger Ebert are the three people alive that my mother will listen to.

“We don’t believe that the vagina should be given this platform to speak without proper penile representation. No platform has been given for the penis to present its views and we believe this is patently unfair.”

If only you could see my mother roll her eyes. It’s like she invented it and has been doing nothing but practicing her mastery of the skill her whole life. It’s truly amazing.

“Have you even seen the show?”

“Of course not. You can’t properly boycott something if you have full knowledge of it. Look at the Italian-American boycott of ‘The Sopranos’ — the leaders of the protest group had never even seen a single episode of the series. They managed to get quite a bit of attention for themselves. That one woman even landed an Olive Garden commercial — now tell me that’s not irony.”

“But you hate those people. And that restaurant.”

“Exactly. But seriously, how ridiculous am I, if they’re not.”

“You lost me.”

“Exactly. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a costume to put on. I am this boycott’s mascot, after all.”