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Tag Archives: war

Various excerpts for your amusement:

“Are you okay now?”

“Yeah, I’ve learned to focus my chi, the energy that flows from all things and binds all things together.”

“Are you serious?”

“No, not at all. I’m still the Ragin’ Cajun.”

“But you’re not Cajun.”

“No, not at all. I’m still the Jumpy Jew.”

“But you’re not–”

“Yes I am.”

I realize I’ve been talking about all the things I hate — I hadn’t realized there were so many, enough to carry me through the first half of a month — and haven’t mentioned a thing that I love, that I truly love. So I will do so here:

I really love, and I mean this with all my heart, corn flakes. Corn flakes, I feel, are the single-most perfect item, food-related or not, on the face of the earth. Perfection has not been achieved before or since that fateful day in 1894 when William Kellogg accidentally invented the corn flake. You heard me right — it was an accident. It is often overlooked when discussing accidental inventions — penicillin, cheese, and the Incredible Hulk get all the press — and nobody knows the tale of W.K. Kellogg and his magic grains.

You see, Kellogg was an Adventist, and therefore, apparently, a vegetarian, and he was looking for a way to improve the diet of people in the little crazy house he ran. So one night he’s stirring up some grain to try to make an easily digested bread substitute and he lets it sit out and the grain tempered over night. The next morning, he checks it out and discovers that when the grain is rolled, it comes out as these nicely formed flakes that taste pretty good. Blammo! Corn Flakes!

I recognize — and love — the humor of walking into Walgreen’s — no babbling this time — to buy some spackle and a bottle of Veryfine Relax juice, flashing my bloody knuckles at the cashier. This sort of Just in Time purchasing is like buying an umbrella when it’s pouring or razors and shaving cream with three days worth of growth on my face. It just reeks of a general lack of preparation.

“Will? That card doesn’t say ‘take me to my hotel.'”

“It doesn’t? I didn’t know you knew Japanese, Sheila.”

“Yeah, a little.”


“It says, ‘I am an American. I dropped the nuclear bomb that ruined parts of your country for generations. I caused you untold amounts of pain and misery and suffering and now I am here, on your land, completely at your mercy.'”

“It says all that?” The card didn’t look big enough to cover all that.

“Yep. More or less. It’s a good thing your father never used it in Japan.”

“Hell, it’s a good thing I didn’t use it when I was at camp.”

The next note says, “Every breath you have left is shallow and uninspired.” I quickly check my breathing. Seems okay. A little raspy perhaps, but nothing to worry about.

“Who’s writing these?” Sheila is very concerned.

“I don’t know. A co-worker? An ex-girlfriend? You?”

She laughs, “Like I’d threaten you, Will. You’re all I’ve got.”

“You keep saying these are threats. I don’t find them all that threatening.”

“Well, they’re ominous anyway. You’d agree they’re ominous, right?”

“I can only go as far as ‘slightly morbid.'”

“Regardless, they’re downers and who goes around writing downer notes to someone?”

“They obviously have more time on their hands than I do. I like this one, though. I have been uninspired lately. And breath and inspiration are so closely linked. It’s a brilliant play on words. And then there’s the word ‘shallow’ –”


“Sorry. I just wouldn’t go reading too much into these. If I told you, ‘One day, eventually, you will die your eventual death,’ would you be worried or just annoyed at my stating the obvious and my poor grammar?”

“That’s a relaxed attitude you’ve got there.”

“Well, if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s accept the inevitable. It’s the unknown I’m not so good with.”

He starts talking to me about the newspaper I’m reading — an offshoot of the Tribune geared, allegedly, towards my generation. The graphics are “hipper” and the writing is more “cutting edge” and the whole thing, if you ask me, is a big “piece of crap.” But, I’ll read just about anything, and so I am skimming an article about Winona Ryder’s court decision. It’s on the front page of this paper. Thank God nothing’s going on in Iraq today, huh? Oh wait; there is. Well, it’s a good thing nobody in my generation needs to know about it.

Anyway, this guy’s the kind that knows things like how Colonel Robert R. McCormick would be rolling in his grave if he could see what the Tribune was doing today.

“You know, they’re basically demanding that we go to war with Iraq. All those inflammatory headlines and propaganda. Bob McCormick realized the terror of war when he was in Mexico and in Paris back in the ‘teens. He came back feeling that the US should never get involved in these sorts of conflicts. He’d never approve of that headline.”

The offensive headline, “Ryder Convicted on 3 Counts” had very little to do with Iraq, but in a way, it did make me want to fight.

“I think you’re talking about the Sun-Times, sir. Their headlines are a bit more slanted — look over there. It says, ‘We Must Bomb the Shit out of Iraq.'”

“The Sun-Times is one of the 10 biggest daily newspapers in the country.”

“By big, you mean in size and not circulation, right?”

“No, it’s actually one of the tiniest papers there is,” he said, indicating the size of the paper with his thumb and forefinger. “The largest is the Greensboro, North Carolina Sentinel which runs an average of 530 pages a day.”

Then it’s an Eastern European woman talking with her Slavic sounds, munching through an apple, encroaching on my space and now — you won’t believe this — she’s cutting dead skin from her fingertips with a pair of cuticle scissors. Now clipping her nails, one of my ten most-hated sounds (in no particular order: slurping; munching; nose-breathing; the sound of a Zippo lighter being flicked open and closed repeatedly; gargling; stomping; clarinet; the sound people make when they suck on their teeth; nail clipping; and self-rightousness.)

If this were a movie, this scene would immediately preceed the death of a bunch of secondary characters, causing the main character to become enraged with the “brass.”

George W. Bush …. I have never been more angry and opposed to my government’s actions. I’ve found him amusing, disturbing, whatever…. But now, he is pushing us into war without seeming to listen to any other options. I’ve never felt that before — during the Gulf War (Part One), I was a little on the pro-war side of indifferent. I recognize the dangers in the area and blah blah blah….

…but now he’s saying there’s no more time for negotiations…and Nelson Mandela is talking with George Sr. to try to get him to talk sense into his son…..

I’ m just baffled. | get your war on | page thirteen

Seriously brilliant.. Seriously terrifying. Seriously hilarious. You can’t beat this stuff. It’s on the verge of going over the edge. Sad. Only place you need to get your news.

I nearly lost control of my car on the way into work today. On NPR, a story about the miners trapped in that mine (of all places for miners to be trapped, eh?)

First of all, as I predicted, they’ve gotten a movie deal. Disney’s bought the rights to make a movie about them (hopefully animated, with talking chipmunks and cave trolls) a deal which is going to make each of the 9 men $150k. The story has all the earmarkings of a great drama, and hell, these guys ain’t ever gonna go down underground again (I wouldn’t…) so you gotta be happy for them in that regard.

But then George Bush comes on. He praises them, their courage, the courage of the folks who lead the rescue effort…. And then this is when I nearly crashed (I’m paraphrasing here…):

“It is that sort of teamwork that is going to help our nation get past the obstacles that we face….is going to give us the tools we need to hunt down every terrorist out there….”

This is me, laughing my damn fool head off. Holy shit! He can turn ANYTHING into a terrorist hunt pledge drive. I understand where he’s coming from but it seems real desperate. Figure that the terrorist hunt has largely fallen out of the public eye. The main actions in Afghanistan are long over — the US people are focused on mass violence in Israel and who’s left on Making an American Idol…or whatever…. It’s a pathetic cry of “Remember what I’m doing here? I’m protecting the American people!” I know it might not be true, but I like to think that some of our recent presidents (even this one’s father) wouldn’t have made the ridiculous leap from rescuing 9 trapped miners to hunting Bin Laden…

I can just imagine the number of quizzical looks, confused faces around the room when he said that — “Did he say hunt down terrorists?” “Are we going to have to go dig them out of flooded mines?”

Of course, he didn’t stop there. He went on to praise God. (Again, a paraphrase:)

“Everyone was praying for these men to an Almighty God and thank God, our prayers were answered.”


chaoskid military report:

15 june 2002: heavy fighting on many fronts, morale low, chaoskid shellshocked in bathroom, staring in disbelief at his own image in the mirror. direct contact with saboteurs leave chaoskid relatively worthless.

furthermore, another name is added to the list of those who aren’t with us and are therefore against us — chaoskid is, by definition, not organized enough to deal with this development.

16 june 2002: direct contact with enemy puts a sudden and decisive end to the war. chaoskid comes home in defeat, yelling, “where’s MY parade?” there is nobody there to greet him, and that’s kind of the problem, isn’t it?

on a positive note: this defeat leaves chaoskid able to wage his dual-border war. again, new enemy meets main requirement of being almost certainly undefeatable.

chaoskid never enters a battle that he knows he might be able to win.



It’s the beginning of the end. Israeli troops amass; suicide bombings increase; Osama Bin Laden is still at large; North Korea & South Korea; India & Pakistan; Taiwan & China; Norway & the Sudentenland; and it’s opening day. Today the Chicago Cubs start us on our journey towards the end of time.

The world is poised on the brink of destruction and the Cubs are poised on the brink of a championship. In recent memory, the Cubs have not had a stronger offensive lineup, more speed or a better defense. They’re going to go all the way, and when they do, we’ll all be dead.

In game 7 of the 2002 World Series, bottom of the 9th, Sammy Sosa will do something amazingly heroic winning the championship for this city, I will jump up from my couch, upending my coffee table, tears in my eyes, cheering. And then all will go white. But we’ll all go out smiling.

So keep the world tension coming. Let the political stability erode into border skirmishes. Let everything build until that final, fateful day in October. Just let the bombs hit before Bud Selig can make any speeches.

Keep thinking that if i was ever drafted i’d end up operating a computer for the army or something — and then i think, how funny it would be to have my primary specialty be Director Application Development. I’d be a Staff Sergeant in the 51st Division of the 103rd Multimedia Corps. We’d make propaganda mini-cds to replace the leaflets they usually drop on countries they just bombed the crap out of. Imagine how great though — fully interactive presentations detailing the history of the conflict, reasons for the current trouble, where they can find food or help, what they can do to help their country stop getting bombed…

etc. etc. the possibilities are endlessly humorous.

It blows my mind that right now, there is some very intense shit happening…. It’s ALWAYS the case, obviously, but I can just imagine the shouted orders, the tense pilots, etc. etc.

Perhaps I’m just buggin’ cuz I wanna be in one of those planes jukin and jivin and shoutin “Strike 1, Cobra 4” as I launch missile after missile into the hearts of terror.

We’re just kidding.

Check out americandesignlanguage for some neat (and some not so neat) things. Also, the daily probe has caused many a great laugh riot lately.

And I think the onion should win some sort of brass balls award for being the first to make great non-tangential humor about the whole terror deal. Kudos for breaking the ice.