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Tag Archives: work

18. A photo of you at work. 3/15/09 In the office at Morseland.

It’s not all pouring drinks, making friends, and living the glamorous life. Sometimes I have to do actual work.

No, I’m just kidding. Here I am, in the office at Morseland, where I do work on the website, and send out emails, and research new beverages, and try not to make Dave angry. Also, I drink coffee sometimes.

So, ok, the old novels have been posted. There’s a link over there on the sidebar on the right.

Proceed carefully.

Word count stands at 34,011. I’m falling behind the goal pace (36,000), but still ahead of the minimum pace (30,000). It’s always been important to me to get way ahead of this thing. The last couple years I’ve finished a few days early. Prior to that, it was mad writing sessions on the 30th. Nobody wants that.

Also, the prose style has taken a distinct turn. Where the beginning of this thing was structured prose, with complete sentences, the current state of affairs is that I’m just typing out these fragments with long strings of modifiers. To wit:

And came to, thrashing wildly, lashing out, eyes wide open but not seeing for a moment, spitting, trying to get rid of the cicadas in my mouth, but there were no cicadas in my mouth, just Stella, standing back, looking horrified, probably sorry she stopped to try to help me, but saying my name quietly, repeatedly.

It works, sometimes, especially when in the heat of a scene, but let’s try that differently:

I came to, thrashing wildly. I lashed out. My eyes were wide open but I wasn’t seeing anything. I spat, trying to get rid of the cicadas in my mouth, before realizing that there were no cicadas in my mouth. Stella stood above me, at a safe distance, looking horrified, looking sorry that she’d stopped to check on me.  She was quietly repeating my name.

More words. Less…fun? Dunno. But I do know easier to write. Been having a hard time escaping scenes lately, not knowing how to get from one scene to the next. Been just leaving them for later. Maybe slightly-in-the-future Adam will know what to do. I sure hope so. I’m counting on that dude.

The road I was on twisted. Turned. Doubled back on itself. Became a cruel joke of a road designed years ago by city planners who had waited all this time for me to arrive and take it, my desperation providing them with unceasing joy and amusement.

back to darkness

dread and exhaustion.

work week looming.

because they have forced me to paint myself into a corner, be frustrated beyond belief, wipe dust from my desk, cower in fear, close my eyes, live in darkness, hold my stomach, bend my arms, stretch my back, sleep on the floor, flee in terror, cross my i’s and dot my t’s, bend over backwards, take the extra step, take the extra advil, challenge myself, push myself, lie to myself, be myself, hurt myself, hate myself….

….i scream “fuck you” under my breath….

A meeting that produced two funny bits?Is it possible?

“Is that something we can do post-beta?”

“It’s something I can do post-lunch if you want me to.”


“Some of the graphics might trickle in.”

“Trickle-down graphic design?”

“Is that Reagangraphics?”


The other day, Jason and I were going to lunch and as we walked, i looked up and noticed what appeared to be two circles of jet contrail — nearly perfect circles. One extremely large, the other extremely small. The small circle was centered on one point of the circumfrence of the large circle. Like crop circles in the sky…. Creepy, cool, terrifying, all in one….

I’ve reached a point where I feel like I’ve gotten everything done that I’m going to get done today. A terrible point. How do I fill the final two hours of the day? There’s more work to be done….okay, do it.

Last night, leaving the office, headed to the train, near the corner of Erie and Orleans and two kids round the corner. The one closer to me says to the other, “Watch this,” so I’m immediately on my guard cuz I know he means -me-….

As he passes me, he kinda stumbles at me and shouts, “Oh jesus! Fuck!” or something to that effect….

…a testament to my sanity that I didn’t do anything back, especially considering the events of yesterday. What? You don’t know what happened yesterday? Yeah, that’s what I thought, bubba.

Been doing too much complaining lately. Fuck that. No more talk of ailments or maladies or annoyances. Such talk is pointless. Gets me nowhere. Certainly no fun to read, right? Right.

So I won’t tell you how fucked up my job is right now.


Jesus, what if I told you that the meek could inherit a whole lot more than the Earth….

Color me mortified? Tickled pink? Impressed?

“Adam Appreciation Day” and I feel like such a total asshole. But, a box containing a stuffed (toy) rabbit. Wearing a headdress and necklace. Looking very much like a Yoruba speaker. And Beth says, “Squeeze its chest.” And I say, “What, it’s going to speak Yoruba?”

And it freaking DOES.

Sola recorded “Hello, Adam. Thank you very much for the great role you played in the Yoruba project. Thank you!” into some device that Misa then sewed into the rabbit.

I am nearly in tears. Flustered beyond belief….

no focus today. dogs barking, tower of power upstairs (what the hell does that mean?) and noise noise noise. and foolishness. and so much et cetera, it blows the mind.

as much as the week has blown by, this day has crawled. i am in constant disbelief that it is already friday but it is only 4:00.

still playing the same old games — forgetting names, forgetting faces — remember what you will — i can’t see the point in that — take a deep breath for me — remember it’s not up to you —

Just received Keep it Unreal by Mr Scruff and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Had previously only heard “Fish” from this album, but the other stuff is the good good.

And the website is neat. Cute animations. Wheeehah!

Baseball strike averted. The game will go on.

(by the way — this is what kind of day this is. when i am told at 2:30 by my project manager that i have no obligations to her for the day….well, what do you expect? here i am doing mental legwork for another project. very relaxing. i am NOT slacking, however.)